Section: Software

Light ALE

Participants : Roudy Dagher [correspondant] , Nathalie Mitton, Loic Schmidt, David Simplot-Ryl.

In order to provide minimal inventory services, at interface level, subsets of the Reading and the Logical Reader APIs are implemented : (1) Immediate mode : sufficient for user-triggered inventory. (2) Fixed readers configuration : only some properties (Power, Session and InitialQ) can be updated.

The ALE engine manages tag grouping and filtering according to EPC standard patterns in input ECSpec objects. A lightweight custom CODEC was developed as well, in order to decode tag IDs using binary format (array of bytes) and in a garbage-free fashion. A filter engine is also made available for software filtering of tags. This leaves the choice for Reader Connectors to choose the best tradeoff between software and hardware filtering. Note that, because of the Java CDC constraint, the ECSpec and ECReports classes and subclasses were written manually despite of automatic generation from XSD files.

See also the web page http://wiki.aspire.ow2.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main.Documentation.Filtering%26Collection/EmbededALE .

  • Version: 1.0